onsdag den 12. december 2012

Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (gen)udgivet

I 1997 blev et "point and click"-eventyr udgivet til både PC og Playstation under navnet, Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror. Spillet handlede om profetier, kidnapning og skattejagt. De rette ingredienser i ethvert eventyr. På det tidspunkt var denne type spil ganske almindelige: Sega CD og andre konsoller havde bragt "point and click"-eventyr hjem til stuerne, og jeg husker især det nu legendariske spil fra LucasArts, Maniac Mansion, som jeg havde fornøjelsen af at stifte bekendtskab med på min gamle, trofaste NES.

Men Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror efterlod et dybt indtryk hos mig. Det var et af de første spil, hvor jeg faktisk følte mig indlevet i både spillets historie og verden. Og nu har jeg den fornøjelse at skrive, at spillet atter har set dagens lys: Spillet er nemlig blevet (gen)udgivet på både iOS og Android-enheder, og det koster den lette sum af 30 kr. Det er en billig pris at betale for en rejse i nostalgiens verden. Spillet er tilgængeligt nu.

English version

A point-and-click adventure game saw the light of day on both PC and the original Playstation back in 1997 and it was called Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror. The game was about some prophecy, kidnapping and treasures. All the right ingredients in any adventure game. Back then point-and-click game was rather ordinary, where the Sega CD and other consoles did theirs to bring these games into our homes and hearts. I especially remember fondly the now legendary LucasArts developed game, Maniac Mansion, which I spent many hours playing on my old NES.

But Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror was something different. It left a profound impression on me because it was actually the first game where I got the feeling of being rather fully immersed in the mythos and the game's setting. And this is why I am happy to be able to write that the game has been (re)released on both iOS and Android units and will only cost about 30 dkr., which is roughly $5. It's a small price to pay for a trip down Nostalgia Lane. The game is available today.

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