Forestil dig at være arbejdsløs. Hvis du er bare en smule som jeg, så sover du længe og går gerne flere dage uden at have været i bad. Personlig hygiejne står ikke øverst på listen, og din yndlingskonsols køler kvidrer i det fjerne, alt imens du lystigt nørder timerne væk i Mass Effect eller Tetris. Ej, jeg pjatter bare: Jeg spiller slet ikke Tetris!
Chris Albeluhn, en spiludvikler som blandt andet har arbejdet på spil som Dead Rising 2 og Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, befinder sig ligeledes i en arbejdsløs situation. Men han har valgt at gå i en anden og mere produktiv retning: Han har nemlig udviklet et interessant spil om vores solsystem. Spillet hedder The Solar System: Explore your Backyard og er ganske enestående. Spillet giver nemlig mulighed for at udforske vores kære solsystem i al dens skønhed, og alt dette er skabt af den mægtige Unreal Engine, som I muligvis kender fra Gears of War og Mass Effect. Alt i spillet er bygget på reelle fakta og informationer, og det vil ikke forbavse mig, hvis skoleinstitutioner vil benytte sig af spillets rige muligheder inden for undervisning. Tjek videoen ud nedenfor og se spillets ret så seje tilbud!
English version:
Imagine being unemployed. If you are anything like me then you'll probably get out of bed sometime late in the afternoon and happily accept going several days without taking a shower. Hygiene does not rank high on the to-do list and your favourite console is humming in the background while countless hours goes by playing Mass Effect or Tetris. Nah, I'm only kidding: I don't play Tetris!
However, Chris Albeluhn, an unemployed game developer who has worked on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Dead Rising 2, chose a different path. Instead of hanging around aimlessly at home he designed a new, and quite honestly, intriguing game called The Solar System: Explore your Backyard. The game lets you traverse and explore our Solar System giving you real facts and information about the various bits and pieces that make this spectacular place we call home. The Solar System is powered by the mighty Unreal Engine, which you may know from games like Gears of War and Mass Effect. The game looks very cool, as you can see from the video, and I wouldn't be surprised if it got included in the educational system. Check out video above and see what the game has got to offer!
For centuries we have watched and waited for the world of gaming to emerge. In Adventures.. Vigilance. In Shooters.. Victory. In RPGs.. Sacrifice. This is what it means to be a Game Warden.
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