tirsdag den 7. maj 2013

EA får Star Wars

Du læste rigtigt: EA, også kendt som Electronic Arts, har netop erhvervet sig rettighederne til at udvikle spil i den populære stjernekrigssaga. Det er jo blot få måneder siden, at Disney opkøbte og tilmed lukkede LucasArts, men nu lader det altså til, at Star Wars lever videre og vil blive drevet af den mægtige Frostbite 3.

EA Labels President, Frank Gibeau, har udtalt sig, at de kommende spil vil udnytte det magtfulde bæst bedst kendt som Frostbite 3. Han siger yderligere, at studier som Visceral, DiCE og ikke mindst BioWare vil stå bag udviklingen af dem. Kommer der mon et nyt KoTOR? Eller hvad med et nyt Battlefront? Kun fremtiden vil vise, hvad de gode folkens hos EA har gemt i ærmet. Nørden i mig håber, at 1313 kan blive genoplivet, men det vil tiden altså vise. Indtil videre må vi blot håbe på, at EA klarer sin stjernekrig bedre end sin moderne krigsførelse.

English version:

That's right, my friend: EA, otherwise known as Electronic Arts, has just acquired the licens to develop games in the popular Star Wars saga. It's only been a couple of months since Disney bought and shut down LucasArts but it seems that Star Wars will endure and in fact be powered by the mighty Frostbite 3.

EA Labels President, Frank Gibeau, has stated that the future games will utilize the full potential of the powerful beast best known as Frostbite 3. He also noted that studios such as Visceral, DiCE and BioWare will be developing titles in the franchise. Does it mean that we'll be getting a new KoTOR? Or perhaps a new Battlefront? Only time will tell what the good people at EA has got in store for us. Being a nerd, I really wish to see the revival of 1313 but nothing is known at this point about the future games. I only hope that EAs galactic travels won't share the same fate as their journey into the modern warfare.

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