tirsdag den 19. juni 2012

BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition

BioShock. Et spil som mange af os husker meget tydeligt. Mange af os husker at have lagt talrige, lykkelige timer i udforskningen af undervands-apokalypsen Rapture, og de mange kampe med de forpinte indbyggere er alle mindeværdige og udfordrende. Big Daddy. Big Sister. "Would you kindly." BioShock er en spilserie uden lige, og nu er der rygter om en ny udgave, som vil indeholde begge spil og samtlige spiludvidelser. Intet er blevet bekræftet, men en udgave som denne vil helt sikkert finde sin vej til min spilhylde!

English version:

BioShock. A game many of us remember quite clearly. We remember the many and wonderful hours spent in exploring the underwater apocalypse known as Rapture, and the many battles with the tortured citizens are all memorable and challenging. Big Daddy. Big Sister. "Would you kindly." BioShock is an unmatched franchise, and now there is rumors about a new edition which will include both games and all the DLC's. Nothing has been confirmed but an edition like this would definitely be added to my collection instantly!

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