onsdag den 20. juni 2012

Ny film baseret på Mortal Kombat?

Film og spil følger gerne hinanden. Især når en storfilm udkommer, så er spillet sjældent længere væk end blot rundt om hjørnet. Andre gange går det den anden vej med filmatiseringer af populære spil, hvor kvaliteten svinger fra acceptabel til horribel og da til Uwe Boll. Disse film er sjældent en succes!

Kevin Tancharoen, der blandt andet har lavet Fame og Mortal Kombat: Legacy, rygtes nu at være i færd med at lave en ny film baseret på Mortal Kombat. I følge rygterne beskrives filmen således: "The live-action reboot will follow a lowly unlucky supermarket employee who discovers that he has out of this world powers and must decide between good and evil, even though the evil side has helped him discover his true potential and who he really is." Jeg har set Mortal Kombat: Legacy, og jeg må indrømme, at det ikke var en helt ringe oplevelse! Jeg er ret spændt på at se, hvordan en supermarkedsansat kan måle sig med Sub-Zero, Scorpion og Kitana, så jeg vil såmænd følge med i udviklingen af denne film, men jeg håber, at instruktøren vil bevare stilen og stemningen fra Legacy. Vi har ikke brug for endnu en Annihilation!

English version:

Films and games tend to get along just fine. Especially when a blockbuster film hits the cinemas the game is usually not far behind. It also goes the other way around when games are turned into films where the quality swings from acceptable, to horrible and then to Uwe Boll. These films are rarely any good!

Kevin Tancharoen, who is known for Fame and Mortal Kombat: Legacy, is now said to be making a new film based on Mortal Kombat. According to rumors the description of the film goes something like this: "The live-action reboot will follow a lowly unlucky supermarket employee who discovers that he has out of this world powers and must decide between good and evil, even though the evil side has helped him discover his true potential and who he really is." I have seen Mortal Kombat: Legacy and I must admit that it wasn't too shabby! I'm quite interested to see how a supermarket employee will fare against the likes of Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Kitana so I'll be following the development of this film, but I sincerely hope that the director will keep the style and setting from Legacy. We do not need another Annihilation!

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