Rockstar Games' enormt succesfulde spilserie, Grand Theft Auto, får inden længe endnu en udvidelse, og denne gang bliver det endda en nummereret udvidelse. Det er nemlig rigtigt: Grand Theft Auto V blev såmænd offentliggjort sidste år med den officielle spiltrailer, som bragte smil og glæde frem på alle læber. Især på mine!
Nu er jeg ligeledes nået til det punkt i min uddannelse, hvor jeg skal skrive mit speciale, som faktisk tager udgangspunkt i Grand Theft Auto. Det skal da fejres, og den bedste måde at gøre det på er at poste de officielle screenshots samt videoer af spillet lige her! Traileren er således også her at finde for god ordens skyld. Nedenfor kan du se de fremragende billeder af et af årtiets største udgivelser!
English version:
Rockstar Games' highly successful Grand Theft Auto series will soon be getting another addition to its library but not just any addition: it is in fact a numbered addition! That's right! Sometime last autumn they revealed Grand Theft Auto V with the official trailer which brought happiness and joy worldwide. Especially at my place!
And I've also reached the point in my education where I have to write my Thesis which will actually be based on the Grand Theft Auto series. That's enough reason for me to celebrate, and what better way to do it than to post and keep posting the official screenshots and videos right here for your and my enjoyment. Of course the trailer from last year is here as well. But right down below you can enjoy the sights and almost the sounds as well of what will certainly be one of the greatest game releases in years!
For centuries we have watched and waited for the world of gaming to emerge. In Adventures.. Vigilance. In Shooters.. Victory. In RPGs.. Sacrifice. This is what it means to be a Game Warden.
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