mandag den 17. december 2012

Der var engang en controller...

Denne skønne animation, lavet af Chris Koelsch, viser intet mindre end Nintendos mange controllere. Hvorfor er den skøn? Fordi den er godt lavet? Lad os bare sige, at den ikke vil vælte dig omkuld med dens grafiske kunnen, men den vil bringe et smil på dine læber. Musikken, farverne og dens generelle artstyle fungerer sublimt, og den minder os om, at man også skal nyde de små ting i livet. God fornøjelse!

English version:

This delightful animation, done by Chris Koelsch, shows nothing less than the evolution of Nintendo's many controllers. Why is it delightful? Because it's well done? Let's just say that it won't blow you out of this world with its graphical prowess but it will make you smile. The music, the colours and the general artstyle is superb, and it reminds us that we must also enjoy the small things in life. Enjoy!

onsdag den 12. december 2012

Playing some Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War

Jeg har i de seneste par dage spillet et hyggeligt, lille spil ved navn Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. Spillet handler om de tapre Blood Ravens under Captain Gabriel Angelos' kommando, som søger at komme til bunds i et mysterium på planeten Tartarus. Orkerne angriber i stor stil, men formålet virker uklart. Med tiden går det op for Gabriel Angelos, at flere kræfter er på spil, og at prisen for broderskab og alliance er høj.

Spillet er udviklet af Relic Entertainment og udgivet af THQ, og jeg vil blot her dele det med dig. Det består af i alt 11 af ca. 45 minutters varighed hver, og du kan se dem lige her. God fornøjelse!

English version:

For the last couple of days I have been playing a delightful, little game called Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. The game is about the brave Blood Ravens under the command of Captain Gabriel Angelos who must uncover the secrets and mysteries surrounding the planet of Tartarus. The Orks are attacking in great numbers but something is not right. In time Gabriel Angelos realizes that other forces are operating on Tartarus and that the price for Brotherhood and Allegiance is indeed high.

The game is developed by Relic Entertainment and published by THQ, and I would like to share this with you. It consists of 11 missions total. Each about 45 minutes in duration, and you can watch them right here. Enjoy!

Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (gen)udgivet

I 1997 blev et "point and click"-eventyr udgivet til både PC og Playstation under navnet, Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror. Spillet handlede om profetier, kidnapning og skattejagt. De rette ingredienser i ethvert eventyr. På det tidspunkt var denne type spil ganske almindelige: Sega CD og andre konsoller havde bragt "point and click"-eventyr hjem til stuerne, og jeg husker især det nu legendariske spil fra LucasArts, Maniac Mansion, som jeg havde fornøjelsen af at stifte bekendtskab med på min gamle, trofaste NES.

Men Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror efterlod et dybt indtryk hos mig. Det var et af de første spil, hvor jeg faktisk følte mig indlevet i både spillets historie og verden. Og nu har jeg den fornøjelse at skrive, at spillet atter har set dagens lys: Spillet er nemlig blevet (gen)udgivet på både iOS og Android-enheder, og det koster den lette sum af 30 kr. Det er en billig pris at betale for en rejse i nostalgiens verden. Spillet er tilgængeligt nu.

English version

A point-and-click adventure game saw the light of day on both PC and the original Playstation back in 1997 and it was called Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror. The game was about some prophecy, kidnapping and treasures. All the right ingredients in any adventure game. Back then point-and-click game was rather ordinary, where the Sega CD and other consoles did theirs to bring these games into our homes and hearts. I especially remember fondly the now legendary LucasArts developed game, Maniac Mansion, which I spent many hours playing on my old NES.

But Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror was something different. It left a profound impression on me because it was actually the first game where I got the feeling of being rather fully immersed in the mythos and the game's setting. And this is why I am happy to be able to write that the game has been (re)released on both iOS and Android units and will only cost about 30 dkr., which is roughly $5. It's a small price to pay for a trip down Nostalgia Lane. The game is available today.

torsdag den 6. december 2012

Skyrim-DLC (stadig) på vej

Ejer du en Playstation3? Spiller du The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim og er ked af, at Bethesda Softworks endnu mangler at udgive Hearthfire og Dawnguard? Så er der imidlertid godt nyt nu: Bethesda siger nemlig, at de for tiden arbejder på den seneste udvidelse, Dragonborn, men efter den vender de tilbage til de to første udvidelser, som de planlægger at udgive til både PC og PS3 tidligt næste år.

Bethesda siger: "On PS3 in particular, we turned our attention to Dragonborn, as we thought it was the best content to release first, and we didn’t want folks to wait longer. Once it’s ready to go for everyone, we’ll continue our previous work on Hearthfire and Dawnguard for PS3." Men dog vil de ikke udtale sig om hverken pris eller nærmere udgivelsestidspunkt, så alle PS3-ejere må (desværre) væbne sig med yderligere tålmodighed: "Each one takes a lot of time and attention to work well in all circumstances and all combinations of DLC. Once we have a better idea of release timing and pricing, we’ll let you know." Men et er helt sikkert: Bethesda arbejder hårdt på at få udgivet alle udvidelserne til PS3 og PC, og man må give dem ret i, at Dragonborn formentligt er den rette at fokusere på. Tålmodighed, mine kære dragefødte venner. Tålmodighed er en dyd.

English version:

Do you own a Playstation 3? Are you playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim but are unhappy about Bethesda Softworks not having released both Hearthfire and Dawnguard yet? Well it seems you are in for some good news: Bethesda has stated that they are indeed working on the latest expansion, Dragonborn, but when they are done with that they will turn their attention back on the first two expansions, which they plan on releasing for both the PC and PS3 early next year.

Bethesda says, "On PS3 in particular, we turned our attention to Dragonborn, as we thought it was the best content to release first, and we didn’t want folks to wait longer. Once it’s ready to go for everyone, we’ll continue our previous work on Hearthfire and Dawnguard for PS3." However they are not too keen to talk about possible pricings and/or release dates so every PS3-owner need to be a little bit more patient: "Each one takes a lot of time and attention to work well in all circumstances and all combinations of DLC. Once we have a better idea of release timing and pricing, we’ll let you know." One thing is for sure, though: Bethesda is hard at work on getting every DLC released for the PC and PS3, and we must agree with them in Dragonborn being the most important expansion to focus on. Patience, my dragonborn friends. Patience is key.