Bungie har ikke ligget på den lade side, og efterhånden er der dukket en del rygter frem og informationer om deres seneste projekt: Destiny. Spillet bliver, efter alt at dømme, endnu en sci-fi-shooter, som forhåbentligt vil adskille sig selv fra Halo, men Bungie er ikke kendt for at skuffe sin fanbase. I en tid hvor nye IP'er ikke ligefrem klarer sig overvældende godt, eksempelvis Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (som du bør købe og spille allerede i dag), bliver det interessant at se, om Bungie kan overleve fødslen af Destiny.
Ved dette års GDC (Game Developer's Conference) vil studiet præsentere Destiny, hvor de forhåbentligt vil afsløre langt flere informationer om spillet. Præsentationen hedder "Brave New World: New Bungie IP", og du kan læse mere om den her.
English version:
Bungie gave us Halo a while back
which turned out to be an enormous success on the original Xbox. It was
actually because of Halo I bought the console! After a series
of successful games, despite the black sheep being Halo: ODST which
people can't seem to agree on, the development of the series went to a new
studio: 343 Industries who gave us Halo 4 last year.
Bungie, however, has not been sleeping while their franchise went to a different studio. In fact, there have been many rumors, speculations and leaks about their latest project: Destiny. The game is a Sci-Fi shooter which hopefully will set itself apart from Halo. In a time where new IP's don't exactly fare well (the example of this being the tragic fate of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and 38 Studios. A game you actually need to play.) it'll be interesting to see, if Bungie can survive the birth of Destiny.
The studio is planning on giving a lecture at this year's GDC (Game Developer's Conference) where they'll be spending a great deal of time talking about Destiny. The lecture is called "Brave New World: New Bungie IP" and you can read more about it here.
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