fredag den 4. januar 2013

E3 Countdown

Larry Hryb, eller bedre kendt som Major Nelson, har netop igangsat en nedtælling til dette års E3. Major Nelson, for at introducere ham, har været en del af Xbox-holdet siden 2003, hvorfor en nedtælling på hans side er en ganske finurlig ting. E3, som I alle ved, er et af årets største begivenheder inden for gaming og er den oplagte mulighed for de store producenter, herunder Sony, Microsoft og Nintendo, at præsentere nyt software og ikke mindst hardware. Rygterne om en ny konsol fra både Sony og Microsoft har længe hærget på interwebbet, men med denne nedtælling kan det da betyde, at Microsoft er rede til at løfte sløret for Xbox720?

Tiden vil vise, hvad Microsoft har i ærmet til det års E3. Det kan være en ny konsol, Kinect Sports 3 eller noget helt andet. Personligt håber jeg at se mere til både Xbox720 og Fable 4, for Lionhead skylder et godt spil efter de to seneste, henholdsvis Fable 3 og ikke mindst Fable: The Journey, men indtil videre er der altså blot spekulationer og intet konkret. Indtil E3 løber af stablen, kan du følge nedtællingen her!

English version:

Larry Hryb, or better known as Major Nelson, put up a countdown on his website counting down to this year's E3. Major Nelson, to those of you who doesn't know him, has been a member of the Xbox team since 2003 which is why a countdown on his website is something to behold. E3, as you all know, is one of gaming's biggest events giving the major companies the opportunity to showcase their newest software and especially hardware. The rumors about a new console from both Sony and Microsoft has long plagued the interwebs but could this countdown mean that Microsoft is finally ready to reveal the Xbox720?

Only time will tell what Microsoft has planned for E3. It could be a console, Kinect Sports 3 or something completely different. Personally I hope to hear more about Fable 4 as well as Xbox720 because Lionhead owes us a good game after both Fable 3 and Fable: The Journey. But that's another topic. So far there is only speculations about the countdown and what it could mean, but until E3 you can follow the countdown here!

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