fredag den 22. juni 2012

Homefront 2 ikke i fare

THQ er i problemer for tiden. Massefyringer og en ledelse der netop er gået af. Det står så galt til, at de ikke havde en stand ved dette års E3 og ikke vil have en ved Gamescom, men hvad betyder dette for udgiverens spil? I forhold til Homefront 2, hvis udvikling er gået fra Kaos Studios til Cryteks Nottingham Studio (det tidligere Free Radical Design), ser det imidlertid ikke så slemt ud.

Cevat Yerli, CEO hos Crytek, siger, at "To be fair, the way we're developing Homefront 2 is very isolated anyway. We're treating it as our own new IP and at the same time THQ is respecting us and saying, 'you guys know what you're doing' and telling us the story they'd like to have, which we're collaborating creatively on." THQ har, med andre ord, ikke tænkt sig at blande sig for meget i spillets udvikling, og det er muligvis for det bedste. Udgiveren brugte utroligt mange midler på at promovere det oprindelige Homefront og sælge det som det nye Call of Duty, men spillet levede uheldigvis ikke op til de vanvittige forventninger skabt af den afsindige markedsføring, og Kaos Studios blev lukket kun få måneder efter spillets udgivelse.

Nu da Homefront er kommet i hænderne på de kyndige designere hos Crytek, så er der mulighed for, at spillet faktisk kan blive en mindre succes, og det er noget, som THQ i allerhøjeste grad har brug for. Det bedste de kan gøre er, at give Crytek de nødvendige redskaber og midler til at gøre Homefront 2 til en uforglemmelig oplevelse.

English version:

THQ is in a lot of trouble these days. Mass firings of staff and a president who just signed off. It's so bad that they didn't have a booth at this year's E3 and won't have one at Gamescom, but what does it all mean when it comes to their games? Well, it doesn't look that grim for Homefront 2, which had its development moved from Kaos Studios to Crytek's Nottingham Studio (the former Free Radical Design).

Cevat Yerli, CEO at Crytek, said that "To be fair, the way we're developing Homefront 2 is very isolated anyway. We're treating it as our own new IP and at the same time THQ is respecting us and saying, 'you guys know what you're doing' and telling us the story they'd like to have, which we're collaborating creatively on." THQ, it seems, will not be interfering much in the game's development, and that is most likely for the best. The publisher spent a lot of energy, effort and money in promoting the original Homefront and to sell it as the new Call of Duty, but the game didn't manage to deliver on the hype and Kaos Studios was closed only a few months after release.

Now that Homefront 2 has come under the care at Crytek it is likely that the game will become a success, and that's something THQ desperately needs these days. The best thing they can do right now is to give Crytek the means and tools to make Homefront 2 an unforgettable experience.

onsdag den 20. juni 2012

Ny film baseret på Mortal Kombat?

Film og spil følger gerne hinanden. Især når en storfilm udkommer, så er spillet sjældent længere væk end blot rundt om hjørnet. Andre gange går det den anden vej med filmatiseringer af populære spil, hvor kvaliteten svinger fra acceptabel til horribel og da til Uwe Boll. Disse film er sjældent en succes!

Kevin Tancharoen, der blandt andet har lavet Fame og Mortal Kombat: Legacy, rygtes nu at være i færd med at lave en ny film baseret på Mortal Kombat. I følge rygterne beskrives filmen således: "The live-action reboot will follow a lowly unlucky supermarket employee who discovers that he has out of this world powers and must decide between good and evil, even though the evil side has helped him discover his true potential and who he really is." Jeg har set Mortal Kombat: Legacy, og jeg må indrømme, at det ikke var en helt ringe oplevelse! Jeg er ret spændt på at se, hvordan en supermarkedsansat kan måle sig med Sub-Zero, Scorpion og Kitana, så jeg vil såmænd følge med i udviklingen af denne film, men jeg håber, at instruktøren vil bevare stilen og stemningen fra Legacy. Vi har ikke brug for endnu en Annihilation!

English version:

Films and games tend to get along just fine. Especially when a blockbuster film hits the cinemas the game is usually not far behind. It also goes the other way around when games are turned into films where the quality swings from acceptable, to horrible and then to Uwe Boll. These films are rarely any good!

Kevin Tancharoen, who is known for Fame and Mortal Kombat: Legacy, is now said to be making a new film based on Mortal Kombat. According to rumors the description of the film goes something like this: "The live-action reboot will follow a lowly unlucky supermarket employee who discovers that he has out of this world powers and must decide between good and evil, even though the evil side has helped him discover his true potential and who he really is." I have seen Mortal Kombat: Legacy and I must admit that it wasn't too shabby! I'm quite interested to see how a supermarket employee will fare against the likes of Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Kitana so I'll be following the development of this film, but I sincerely hope that the director will keep the style and setting from Legacy. We do not need another Annihilation!

Diablo 3: Hardcore og Inferno

Så skete det. Det nærmest utænkelige: Diablo 3 er blevet besejret med en Hardcore-karakter på Inferno-sværhedsgrad! Den canadiske spiller, Kripparrian, har med sin jernvilje vist, at man ikke behøver patch 1.0.3, som gør spillet en tand lettere, for at nedslagte Diablo på spillets hårdeste sværhedsgrad. Lige så imponerende ved denne bedrift er, at han har benyttet sig af en Hardcore-karakter, som man mister permanent, hvis karakteren dør.

Blizzard Entertainments community manager, Bashiok, var oprindeligt skeptisk vedrørende Kripparrians dåd, men han tweetede senere sin anerkendelse og afsluttede med "Congrats!" I videoen nedenfor kan du se bedriften i aktion, og jeg advarer: Her er der spoilers!

English version:

It has happened. The nigh unthinkable: Diablo 3 has been beaten with a Hardcore character on the Inferno difficulty setting! The Canadian gamer, Kripparrian, proved with his iron-will that you don't need patch 1.0.3, which makes the game a bit easier, to give Diablo an epic beat down on the highest difficulty setting. Just as impressive is the fact that he used a Hardcore character, which you will lose permanently if the character dies.

Blizzard Entertainment Community Manager, Bashiok, was at first sceptical about Kripparrian's deed, but later he tweeted his approval and ended it with a "Congrats!" In the video below you can check out the achievement in action but I must warn: here there be spoilers!

tirsdag den 19. juni 2012

BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition

BioShock. Et spil som mange af os husker meget tydeligt. Mange af os husker at have lagt talrige, lykkelige timer i udforskningen af undervands-apokalypsen Rapture, og de mange kampe med de forpinte indbyggere er alle mindeværdige og udfordrende. Big Daddy. Big Sister. "Would you kindly." BioShock er en spilserie uden lige, og nu er der rygter om en ny udgave, som vil indeholde begge spil og samtlige spiludvidelser. Intet er blevet bekræftet, men en udgave som denne vil helt sikkert finde sin vej til min spilhylde!

English version:

BioShock. A game many of us remember quite clearly. We remember the many and wonderful hours spent in exploring the underwater apocalypse known as Rapture, and the many battles with the tortured citizens are all memorable and challenging. Big Daddy. Big Sister. "Would you kindly." BioShock is an unmatched franchise, and now there is rumors about a new edition which will include both games and all the DLC's. Nothing has been confirmed but an edition like this would definitely be added to my collection instantly!

Microsofts nye Tablet: Surface

Microsoft har netop præsenteret sit nye legetøj: Surface! Som udgangspunkt vil jeg sige, at maskinen er en kombination af Tablets og Laptops, idet den kombinerer funktioner og designprincipper fra de to verdener, men jeg skal også hastigt tilstå, at det er en lækker kombination! Det lader til, at der kommer to udgaver af apparatet, baseret på henholdsvis Windows 8 Pro samt Windows RT, og nedenfor kan du tjekke deres specs ud og samtidig se videoen, som præsenterede os for vidunderet. Videoen er i øvrigt en sand perle for sig selv! Godt arbejde, Microsoft!

English version:

Microsoft has just presented its newest toy: Surface! I'd call this machine a combination of Tablets and Laptops, since it seems to combine elements of design and function from these two worlds, but I must also confess that it's a very nice looking combination! It seems that there will be two versions of the device, based on both Windows 8 Pro and Windows RT, and you can check out the specs and the video presenting the wonder. The video is indeed a wonder all to itself! Nice work, Microsoft!

Software takes center stage: Surface sports a full-sized USB port and a 16:9 aspect ratio – the industry standard for HD. It has edges angled at 22 degrees, a natural position for the PC at rest or in active use, letting the hardware fade into the background and the software stand out.

VaporMg: The casing of Surface is created using a unique approach called VaporMg (pronounced Vapor-Mag), a combination of material selection and process to mold metal and deposit particles that creates a finish akin to a luxury watch. Starting with magnesium, parts can be molded as thin as .65 mm, thinner than the typical credit card, to create a product that is thin, light and rigid/strong.

Integrated Kickstand: The unique VaporMg approach also enables a built-in kickstand that lets you transition Surface from active use to passive consumption – watching a movie or even using the HD front- or rear-facing video cameras. The kickstand is there when needed, and disappears when not in use, with no extra weight or thickness.

Touch Cover: The 3 mm Touch Cover represents a step forward in human-computer interface. Using a unique pressure-sensitive technology, Touch Cover senses keystrokes as gestures, enabling you to touch type significantly faster than with an on-screen keyboard. It will be available in a selection of vibrant colors. Touch Cover clicks into Surface via a built-in magnetic connector, forming a natural spine like you find on a book, and works as a protective cover. You can also click in a 5 mm-thin Type Cover that adds moving keys for a more traditional typing feel. 

Surface for Windows RT
  • OS: Windows RT
  • Light(1): 676 g
  • Thin(2): 9.3 mm
  • Clear: 10.6” ClearType HD Display
  • Energized: 31.5 W-h
  • Connected: microSD, USB 2.0, Micro HD Video, 2x2 MIMO antennae
  • Productive: Office ‘15’ Apps, Touch Cover, Type Cover
  • Practical: VaporMg Case & Stand
  • Configurable: 32 GB, 64 GB
Surface for Windows 8 Pro
  • OS: Windows 8 Pro
  • Light(1): 903 g
  • Thin(2): 13.5 mm
  • Clear: 10.6” ClearType Full HD Display
  • Energized: 42 W-h
  • Connected: microSDXC, USB 3.0, Mini DisplayPort Video, 2x2 MIMO antennae
  • Productive: Touch Cover, Type Cover, Pen with Palm Block
  • Practical: VaporMg Case & Stand
  • Configurable: 64 GB, 128 GB

mandag den 18. juni 2012

Dishonored's varighed

Bethesda Softworks og Arkane Studios løslader snart Dishonored, men inden spillet bliver udgivet, får man altid nogle informationer om det, og dette er ingen undtagelse. Arkane Studios har netop offentliggjort deres vurdering af spillets varighed, som de har sat til henholdsvis 12-14 timer for de direkte spillere, men for dem, der kan lide at udforske, kan man få op til 28 timers sjov og ballade.

28 timer virker muligvis ikke som meget i forhold til Skyrim, men 28 timer er faktisk ganske betragteligt i forhold til andre spil, der kun med nød og næppe passerer 3-4 timer. En kampagne på minimum 12 timer er heller ikke den værste nyhed, men nu er spørgsmålet bare: Bliver de 12 timer en positiv oplevelse? Det vil tiden vise, når spillet senere i år bliver udgivet!

English version:

Bethesda Softworks and Arkane Studios will soon release Dishonored but before that we, the gamers, are always given tidbits of information about it and this is no exception. Arkane Studios has just announced their estimation of the time it will take to complete the game, and they said that it will take 12-14 hours for very direct players but the explorative player can expect up to 28 hours of fun.

28 hours may not seem like much when compared to games like Skyrim but 28 hours is actually quite good when compared to games that just barely pass the duration of 3-4 hours. A campaign lasting a minimum of 12 hours is something noteworthy but now's the question: will those 12 hours represent a positive experience? Only time will tell when the game will be released sometime this year!

lørdag den 16. juni 2012

Ugens trailer: Firefall

Så er det lørdag, og regnen er efterhånden ved at lægge sig over byen som et lunt tæppe, men det er helt okay, for det er tid til at sætte sig ned og tage en lille pause med denne uges trailer. Valget faldt denne gang på en ældre trailer til et spil, som formentligt kun få kender til: Firefall.

Denne MMOFPS er udviklet af Red 5 Studios, og traileren fortæller os baggrundshistorien i spillet, men den gør mere end det. Den skaber ligeledes en stemning fyldt med desperation og kaos. Historien i traileren er enkel: Skibet, Arclight, skal på sin jomfrurejse, hvor dens motor skal testes. I bedste science-fiction stil går der noget galt i processen, og skibet befinder sig på kollisionskurs mod en større by. I traileren følger man så skibets mandskab og beredskabet på jorden, som desperat forsøger at finde en løsning på problemet.

Traileren er godt fortalt og rytmen er stabil. Som seer formår man at blive suget ind i universet, og efterhånden som sekunderne tælles frem i forløbet, føles desperationen stadigt mere tydelig i takt med den stigende panik. Den fortæller intet om hverken gameplay eller om hændelsens virkninger, men man fornemmer den kritiske stemning, som spillets atmosfære kommer til at ose af. Tjek traileren ud nedenfor og se hvorfor den blev ugens valg!

English version:

It's Saturday and the rain is settling over the city as a carpet, but that's okay because it's time to watch the Trailer of the Week! This week's choice landed on a trailer for a game that most of you probably haven't heard of: Firefall.

This MMOFPS is developed by Red 5 Studios and the trailer tells us the story behind the game but it does more than that. It also creates a setting filled with desperation and chaos. The story in the trailer is fairly simple: the spaceship, Arclight, is going on its maiden voyage where its engine will be tested. Something does not go according to plan and the ship soon finds itself falling from the skies. We're following both the ship's crew and the emergency teams on Earth who is desperately trying to find a solution.

The trailer is well narrated and the rhythm is stabile. As a viewer we are being sucked into its Universe and as the seconds go by we're feeling the ever more present desperation and panic. It does not, however, tell us anything about the gameplay or the aftermath of the event, but we get to sense the critial mood the game's atmosphere will likely be dominated by. Check it out above and see why it was chosen as this week's selection!

fredag den 15. juni 2012

"The ultraviolence has to stop. We have to stop loving it."

Dette er budskabet fra en af spilindustriens veteraner, Warren Spector, der for tiden arbejder på Epic Mickey 2. Ordene kommer i kølvandet af dette års E3-Messe, som han mener havde et for stort fokus på det voldelige element, og det var blandt andet spil som Hitman: Absolution, som fik hans edderkoppesans til at dirre. Han sagde følgende i et interview med gamesindustry:

"Well, my spider-sense is sure tingling danger, danger, Peter Parker! This is the year where there were two things that stood out for me. One was: The ultraviolence has to stop. We have to stop loving it. I just don't believe in the effects argument at all, but I do believe that we are fetishizing violence, and now in some cases actually combining it with an adolescent approach to sexuality. I just think it's in bad taste. Ultimately I think it will cause us trouble."

Har han ret i det, han siger? Det vil tiden vise. Personligt ser jeg ikke umiddelbart problemet, da spil som Flower og Journey både nyder stor respekt og ikke mindst beundring fra spillere og kritikere. Der er masser af plads til spil, som ikke fokuserer på vold, men spørgsmålet er: Bliver det en dag for meget, og hvilke problemer vil det medføre? Jeg vil lade det spørgsmål være åbent, men det er i al fald en interessant tanke.

English version:

That is the message from industry veteran, Warren Spector, who is currently working on Epic Mickey 2. These words sum up his thoughts from this year's E3, which he believed had too much focus on violence, and it was games like Hitman: Absolution that got his spider-sense tingling. He said the following in an interview with gamesindustry:

"Well, my spider-sense is sure tingling danger, danger, Peter Parker! This is the year where there were two things that stood out for me. One was: The ultraviolence has to stop. We have to stop loving it. I just don't believe in the effects argument at all, but I do believe that we are fetishizing violence, and now in some cases actually combining it with an adolescent approach to sexuality. I just think it's in bad taste. Ultimately I think it will cause us trouble."

Does he have a point regarding the violence in our beloved video games? Time will tell. Personally I can't really see the bigger issue, when games like Flower and Journey both enjoy respect and admiration from fans and critics alike, but the question remains: will this focus on violence become a problem in the long run? I'll let that question remain open, but it's definitely an interesting thought.

torsdag den 14. juni 2012

Watch Dogs

Ubisoft afslørede deres næste spil ved dette års E3: Watch Dogs! Det ser vanvittigt ud, og ord kan ikke beskrive det. Det skal opleves. Tjek det ud nedenfor!

English version:

Ubisoft announced their next game at this year's E3: Watch Dogs! It looks amazing and words cannot even begin to describe it. It needs to be seen. Check it out in the video above!

Tomb Raider: Voldtægt og brystkræft?

Så lægger vi så småt ud igen efter en kort pause grundet fæle eksamensopgaver, og hvad er der sket i fraværet? E3, selvfølgelig! Fik I alle set gameplay-traileren til Ubisofts kommende titel: Watch Dogs? Hvis ikke så kan I tjekke den ud her på siden! Den kan jeg varmt anbefale jer at se!

Men så opdagede jeg en spøjs lille nyhed her i dag, da jeg browsede igennem nyhederne. En artikel der handler om voldtægt i det kommende Tomb Raider, og jeg må ærligt indrømme, at min nysgerrighed blev vakt. Ser I, Tomb Raider er ikke bare en almindelig spilserie. Det er spil som Tomb Raider og Metroid, der fødte kvinden i rollen som actionhelten, for i disse spil var det såmænd ikke kvinden, som skulle reddes: Hun var redderen! Jeg går fuldstændigt ind for ligestilling, og det glæder mig at kunne dele min gaminginteresse med begge køn og opleve den samme gejst for mediet, så naturligvis bliver jeg nysgerrig, når jeg læser om voldtægt i det næste Tomb Raider, og hvad dælen sker der for det?

Sagen er den, at Kotaku havde et interview med spillets executive producer, Ron Rosenberg, hvori han sagde noget, som nok ikke skulle have været sagt:

RON: "And then what happens is her best friend gets kidnapped, she gets taken prisoner by scavengers on the island. They try to rape her, and-"
KOTAKU: "They try to rape her?"
RON: "She's literally turned into a cornered animal. And that's a huge step in her evolution: she's either forced to fight back or die and that's what we're showing today."

Jeg har hørt om mystiske ideer i forhold til Lara Croft. Blandt andet har en fyr foreslået, at hun burde få brystkræft! Hvorfor? For at skabe mere drama! Hvad kunne være mere sejt, end en kvinde der trodser alskens farer og samtidig kæmper mod brystkræft? Dette er ikke løgn, venner. Nogen har faktisk foreslået dette. Tilbage til voldtægten: Spillets udvikler, Crystal Dynamics, viste en ny trailer til spillet ved E3, hvor man ser scenen med fyren, som prøver at voldtage Lara Croft, og man kan vurdere for sig selv, om den i virkeligheden er så vanvittigt kontroversiel, men et er sikkert: Voldtægt er altid en dum ide! Men hvad kunne dog drive en udvikler til at gøre dette?

"When you see her have to face these challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character.
When people play Lara, they don't really project themselves into the character. They're more like 'I want to protect her.' There's this sort of dynamic of 'I'm going to this adventure with her and trying to protect her."

Så kan vi vist vinke farvel til Lara Croft som den stærke, selvstændige og ikke mindst seje kvinde. I stedet kan vi nu sige goddag til den stereotype, sårbare pige, som drengene skal beskytte. Men studiet har imidlertid udgivet en pressenote, hvori de tager afstand fra Rosenbergs udtalelser: "In this particular section, while there is a threatening undertone in the sequence and surrounding drama, it never goes any further than the scenes that we have already shown publicly. Sexual assault of any kind is categorically not a theme that we cover in this game." I det mindste har de anstændighed. Spillet udkommer næste år, hvor vi alle kan beskytte lille Lara Croft. Man skal blot huske på, at spillet er en reboot af Tomb Raider, og alle helte skal have en begyndelse. Spillets tagline lyder jo: A survivor is born. Efter alt at dømme vil dette eventyr kræve alt af Lara Croft for at kunne overleve, og det vil kræve sin kvinde.

English version

And we're back after a short break due to exams and what-not, but what has transpired in the absence? Well E3, of course! Did you all manage to see the gameplay trailer for Ubisoft's Watch Dogs? If not then you can watch it here, and I can wholeheartedly recommend you watching it! It looks amazing!

But I did stumble upon a rather funny bit of news today while browsing the interwebs. It was an article that said something about an attempted rape scene in the coming Tomb Raider? Naturally, my curiosity was peeked! You see, Tomb Raider isn't just another action-packed game. It's games like Tomb Raider and Metroid that placed women in the roles as action heroes, where they weren't meant to be saved: they were the saviors! I care a great deal about equality and I love the fact that I can share my gaming passion with both sexes and get the same appreciation for the medium, so naturally I get interested in knowing more about a rape scene in Tomb Raider because what is going on?

The thing is that Kotaku had an interview with the game's executive producer, Ron Rosenberg, and he said something that he might regret today:

RON: "And then what happens is her best friend gets kidnapped, she gets taken prisoner by scavengers on the island. They try to rape her, and-"
KOTAKU: "They try to rape her?"
RON: "She's literally turned into a cornered animal. And that's a huge step in her evolution: she's either forced to fight back or die and that's what we're showing today."
I have heard about weird ideas for the Tomb Raider games, including one that was about Lara Croft suffering from breast cancer. Yes. The premise was that it would be awesome to see Lara Croft fight dungeons and bad guys while fighting the cancer. I am nok joking, guys. Someone actually suggested this! Anyway, back to the raping: the game's developer, Crystal Dynamics, showed a new trailer for the game at E3 where a dude is seemingly trying to rape Lara Croft, and you can judge for yourselves if this scene is controversial or not, but one thing is certain: rape is never a good idea! So what drove the developers to include this?

"When you see her have to face these challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character.
When people play Lara, they don't really project themselves into the character. They're more like 'I want to protect her.' There's this sort of dynamic of 'I'm going to this adventure with her and trying to protect her."

I think we can now say goodbye to Lara Croft as the cool, independent and strong woman she really is. Instead we can say hello to the stereotypical, vulnerable girl that the boys need to protect. The developers did, however, send out a press note where they show some sense in this regard: "In this particular section, while there is a threatening undertone in the sequence and surrounding drama, it never goes any further than the scenes that we have already shown publicly. Sexual assault of any kind is categorically not a theme that we cover in this game." At least they have some decency. The game will be released next year where we can all protect little Lara Croft. Just remember that this game is a reboot of Tomb Raider and every hero needs a beginning. The game's tagline is: A survivor is born. All things considered this adventure will require tremendous effort to survive, and Lara Croft is the right woman for the job.