tirsdag den 18. september 2012

Arma-udviklere arresteret

I sidste uge kom det frem, at to ansatte hos Bohemia Interactive, som står bag Arma-serien, blev arresteret i Grækenland for spionage. De to udviklere, Ivan Buchta og Martin Pezlar, er mistænkt for at have rejst til Grækenland for at tage billeder af en græsk militærbase, som de så kunne bruge som reference i Arma III. Naturligvis benægter både studiet og de to, at dette skulle være tilfældet. Snarere skulle de være blevet inspireret til at tage til Grækenland og opleve det land, som de i de sidste to år har arbejdet på at genskabe i en fiktiv kontektst. Forståeligt?

Ganske vist! Det er da intet nyt. Når man tilbringer meget tid med et værk, henholdsvis film, bog eller spil, som finder sted i et fremmed land, får man formentlig lyst til at opleve landet på egen hånd. Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood inspirerede således mig til at tage til Italien for at opleve både Firenze og Venedig! Jo mere tid man bruger på det, jo mere magisk bliver det på en måde. Men lande har regler, og disse skal man følge. At tage billeder af en militær base er muligvis ikke den bedste ide nogensinde men i følge den officielle udtalelse fra Bohemia Interactive, så er der altså tale om en absurd fejltagelse. Personligt hælder jeg også mere til, at der er tale om en misforståelse. De har formentlig bare være inspireret til at se Grækenland, men det vil tiden vise. Læs den officielle udtalelse nedenfor.

English version:

Last week it surfaced that two developers from Bohemia Interactive, who is known for the Arma series, were arrested while visiting Greece. The two, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar, were arrested for spying, taking pictures of a military installation, which the authorities believe they would use as a reference in Arma III. Naturally both Bohemia Interactive and the two deny that this is the case. They claim that the two went to Greece because they were inspired after having spent countless hours on making a fictional representation of it. Is that likely?

Of course it is! That's nothing new. When one spends much time with a book, movie or a game that takes place in a foreign country, one might actually want to go see the place. After playing Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood I went to Italy to see both Florence and Venice. However taking pictures of a military installation might not be the best idea but this is all an absurd misunderstanding according to an official statement by Bohemia Interactive. Personally I believe that they were just inspired to see Greece for themselves but time will show why they really went. You can read the official statement below.

"Since last Sunday, when two Bohemia Interactive, a.s. employees, were arrested on the Greek island of Lemnos, much speculation about what happened has circulated online. It’s been rumored that they entered restricted military areas or gathered photographic references of military bases in order to improve the visual fidelity of Arma 3, a PC game currently under development by our company. Far in advance of any formal charges - only hours after they were detained by the local police - many media outlets immediately suggested spying and, only one day later, specifically referenced Arma 3.

Having traveled there, and after meeting personally with them both, as well as their lawyer who is fully acquainted with the Greek authority’s investigation file in detail, we can assure you that these insinuations are completely false and without substance. These employees - our friends, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar - visited the island as tourists. Their holiday was a product of their interest in the island, triggered by their work on Arma 3 over the past two years of development.

They took photographs and videos in public areas, as countless tourists arriving to enjoy the beauty and hospitality of Greece may well do. These included a short video as they drove through the main road passing around the international airport, where in one short part of the video off in the distance some hangars and other buildings of the complex can be seen. It's very likely that many tourists may have pictures similar to those taken by Ivan and Martin in their own family albums, without being aware that they put themselves or their families at risk.

We sincerely hope that the whole situation is no more than an unfortunate and deep misunderstanding. The in-game Limnos is close to completion, and it’s far from an identical replication of the real place. It was heavily modified to fit the game’s backstory, a purely fictional 2035 setting. It was rescaled to only 75% of the real island, and it does not attempt to display any real world military installations situated on the island of Lemnos.

To summarize the situation:
They visited Lemnos on their holiday as tourists.
They did not enter any military area.
They did not take any pictures of any military objects to be used in Arma 3.

Martin and Ivan, currently being detained in Mytilene, relayed this message to their friends and family:

"The conditions are tough, but the people we meet treat us fairly and correctly. It is all a completely absurd misunderstanding that will certainly be quickly explained. We mainly think of you, our families; you have to stay calm and not to worry about us. We hope we will meet soon."

We apologize for any possible delay or lack of communication regarding this important matter. At present, all and every possible effort goes towards supporting Ivan and Martin, their families, and to getting the guys safely back home. Any form of support for our imprisoned colleagues and friends will be more than welcome.

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