Sony kunne her til morgen bombardere Facebook og andre sociale medier med billeder af den nye Playstation3. Designet har fået en overhaling, og konsollen er blevet mindre og lettere. Harddisken er kommet op på 500gb, og alt dette lyder fint på papiret, men spørgsmålet er: Hvad tænker Sony på?
Hvorfor blive ved med at udgive nye og opdaterede udgaver af den samme konsol? Mindre og lettere? Har vi virkelig brug for det? En bruger på Facebook bemærkede i denne sammenhæng, at han ikke just vader rundt med sin konsol under armen så ofte, så dens størrelse har ikke den store påvirkning på hans hverdag. Den er heller ikke blevet voldsomt billigere, så skal vi skifte vores "PS3-second model" ud med PS3-third model" pga. størrelsen på harddisken? Det er det eneste, som giver mening. Men her er tricket: Min PS3 bliver næppe skiftet ud med en, som ikke tilbyder bemærkelsesværdige ændringer andet end større harddisk og mindre design. Min kører med en 250gb. harddisk og har ikke rørt sig i måneder. Personligt ligner dette et forsøg fra Sonys side at holde liv i en konsol, som i allerhøjeste grad ikke har haft det nemt sidens dens oprindelige udgivelse. PS3 er en fin maskine, men nu er det på tide, at vi ser noget nyt. Det gælder også for Microsoft! Bring os PS4 og Xbox720! Vi orker ikke at se flere udgaver af samme konsoller. Det er ved at blive en vittighed. En ringe vittighed.
Men har man brug for en ny PS3, som ligeledes tilbyder en større harddisk, så kan man lige så godt købe den nye, da den faktisk allerede udkommer inden for en måned. Jeg har på fornemmelsen, at Sony ikke ligefrem fik den reaktion, som de havde forventet med den nye konsol. Og det er kun forståeligt. Men nedenfor kan du tjekke bæstet ud og se, om den er det værd. Den kommer næppe på min hylde. Men jeg må indrømme, at den har et ret lækkert design.
English version:
Sony hit Facebook and other social media platforms hard with images of the new PS3 model. The design got an overhaul and the console is now lighter and smaller. The hard drive has reached 500gb. and all of this is very nice on paper but the real question is: what is Sony thinking?
Why do they continue to make new and supposedly upgraded versions of the same, old console? Smaller and lighter? Do we really need that? A Facebook user noted that he doesn't exactly travel with his PS3 that often so a lighter and smaller model won't change his day to day life. It hasn't gotten notably cheaper either so are we supposed to change our PS3-second model with the PS3-third model just because of the hard drive? That's the only thing that makes sense. But here's the thing: I probably won't be making that change. The new model, in my oppinion, doesn't offer anything notably new. Mine is the second model and has a 250gb. hard drive and I don't have any problems with its size. Personally I think that this looks more like Sony trying to breathe life into a console that hasn't had it easy since its original release. The PS3 is a nice piece of hardware but it's had its rather troublesome run and now it's time to see something new. And that goes for Microsoft as well! Stop releasing updated versions of old consoles. Bring out the PS4 and the Xbox720! This has become a joke. A bad joke, sadly.
But if you're in need of a new PS3 or just want to buy one then you should wait for the new one as it will be available within a month. I get the feeling that Sony didn't receive the reaction that they had hoped for when they revealed the new PS3. And that is only understandable. You can check it out above and see if it will find its way to your home when it's released. It will hardly reach my door step. But I have to admit that it does have a pretty cool looking design.
For centuries we have watched and waited for the world of gaming to emerge. In Adventures.. Vigilance. In Shooters.. Victory. In RPGs.. Sacrifice. This is what it means to be a Game Warden.
onsdag den 19. september 2012
tirsdag den 18. september 2012
Arma-udviklere arresteret
I sidste uge kom det frem, at to ansatte hos Bohemia Interactive, som står bag Arma-serien, blev arresteret i Grækenland for spionage. De to udviklere, Ivan Buchta og Martin Pezlar, er mistænkt for at have rejst til Grækenland for at tage billeder af en græsk militærbase, som de så kunne bruge som reference i Arma III. Naturligvis benægter både studiet og de to, at dette skulle være tilfældet. Snarere skulle de være blevet inspireret til at tage til Grækenland og opleve det land, som de i de sidste to år har arbejdet på at genskabe i en fiktiv kontektst. Forståeligt?
Ganske vist! Det er da intet nyt. Når man tilbringer meget tid med et værk, henholdsvis film, bog eller spil, som finder sted i et fremmed land, får man formentlig lyst til at opleve landet på egen hånd. Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood inspirerede således mig til at tage til Italien for at opleve både Firenze og Venedig! Jo mere tid man bruger på det, jo mere magisk bliver det på en måde. Men lande har regler, og disse skal man følge. At tage billeder af en militær base er muligvis ikke den bedste ide nogensinde men i følge den officielle udtalelse fra Bohemia Interactive, så er der altså tale om en absurd fejltagelse. Personligt hælder jeg også mere til, at der er tale om en misforståelse. De har formentlig bare være inspireret til at se Grækenland, men det vil tiden vise. Læs den officielle udtalelse nedenfor.
English version:
Last week it surfaced that two developers from Bohemia Interactive, who is known for the Arma series, were arrested while visiting Greece. The two, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar, were arrested for spying, taking pictures of a military installation, which the authorities believe they would use as a reference in Arma III. Naturally both Bohemia Interactive and the two deny that this is the case. They claim that the two went to Greece because they were inspired after having spent countless hours on making a fictional representation of it. Is that likely?
Of course it is! That's nothing new. When one spends much time with a book, movie or a game that takes place in a foreign country, one might actually want to go see the place. After playing Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood I went to Italy to see both Florence and Venice. However taking pictures of a military installation might not be the best idea but this is all an absurd misunderstanding according to an official statement by Bohemia Interactive. Personally I believe that they were just inspired to see Greece for themselves but time will show why they really went. You can read the official statement below.
"Since last Sunday, when two Bohemia Interactive, a.s. employees, were arrested on the Greek island of Lemnos, much speculation about what happened has circulated online. It’s been rumored that they entered restricted military areas or gathered photographic references of military bases in order to improve the visual fidelity of Arma 3, a PC game currently under development by our company. Far in advance of any formal charges - only hours after they were detained by the local police - many media outlets immediately suggested spying and, only one day later, specifically referenced Arma 3.
Having traveled there, and after meeting personally with them both, as well as their lawyer who is fully acquainted with the Greek authority’s investigation file in detail, we can assure you that these insinuations are completely false and without substance. These employees - our friends, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar - visited the island as tourists. Their holiday was a product of their interest in the island, triggered by their work on Arma 3 over the past two years of development.
They took photographs and videos in public areas, as countless tourists arriving to enjoy the beauty and hospitality of Greece may well do. These included a short video as they drove through the main road passing around the international airport, where in one short part of the video off in the distance some hangars and other buildings of the complex can be seen. It's very likely that many tourists may have pictures similar to those taken by Ivan and Martin in their own family albums, without being aware that they put themselves or their families at risk.
We sincerely hope that the whole situation is no more than an unfortunate and deep misunderstanding. The in-game Limnos is close to completion, and it’s far from an identical replication of the real place. It was heavily modified to fit the game’s backstory, a purely fictional 2035 setting. It was rescaled to only 75% of the real island, and it does not attempt to display any real world military installations situated on the island of Lemnos.
To summarize the situation:
They visited Lemnos on their holiday as tourists.
They did not enter any military area.
They did not take any pictures of any military objects to be used in Arma 3.
Martin and Ivan, currently being detained in Mytilene, relayed this message to their friends and family:
"The conditions are tough, but the people we meet treat us fairly and correctly. It is all a completely absurd misunderstanding that will certainly be quickly explained. We mainly think of you, our families; you have to stay calm and not to worry about us. We hope we will meet soon."
We apologize for any possible delay or lack of communication regarding this important matter. At present, all and every possible effort goes towards supporting Ivan and Martin, their families, and to getting the guys safely back home. Any form of support for our imprisoned colleagues and friends will be more than welcome."
Ganske vist! Det er da intet nyt. Når man tilbringer meget tid med et værk, henholdsvis film, bog eller spil, som finder sted i et fremmed land, får man formentlig lyst til at opleve landet på egen hånd. Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood inspirerede således mig til at tage til Italien for at opleve både Firenze og Venedig! Jo mere tid man bruger på det, jo mere magisk bliver det på en måde. Men lande har regler, og disse skal man følge. At tage billeder af en militær base er muligvis ikke den bedste ide nogensinde men i følge den officielle udtalelse fra Bohemia Interactive, så er der altså tale om en absurd fejltagelse. Personligt hælder jeg også mere til, at der er tale om en misforståelse. De har formentlig bare være inspireret til at se Grækenland, men det vil tiden vise. Læs den officielle udtalelse nedenfor.
English version:
Last week it surfaced that two developers from Bohemia Interactive, who is known for the Arma series, were arrested while visiting Greece. The two, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar, were arrested for spying, taking pictures of a military installation, which the authorities believe they would use as a reference in Arma III. Naturally both Bohemia Interactive and the two deny that this is the case. They claim that the two went to Greece because they were inspired after having spent countless hours on making a fictional representation of it. Is that likely?
Of course it is! That's nothing new. When one spends much time with a book, movie or a game that takes place in a foreign country, one might actually want to go see the place. After playing Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood I went to Italy to see both Florence and Venice. However taking pictures of a military installation might not be the best idea but this is all an absurd misunderstanding according to an official statement by Bohemia Interactive. Personally I believe that they were just inspired to see Greece for themselves but time will show why they really went. You can read the official statement below.
"Since last Sunday, when two Bohemia Interactive, a.s. employees, were arrested on the Greek island of Lemnos, much speculation about what happened has circulated online. It’s been rumored that they entered restricted military areas or gathered photographic references of military bases in order to improve the visual fidelity of Arma 3, a PC game currently under development by our company. Far in advance of any formal charges - only hours after they were detained by the local police - many media outlets immediately suggested spying and, only one day later, specifically referenced Arma 3.
Having traveled there, and after meeting personally with them both, as well as their lawyer who is fully acquainted with the Greek authority’s investigation file in detail, we can assure you that these insinuations are completely false and without substance. These employees - our friends, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar - visited the island as tourists. Their holiday was a product of their interest in the island, triggered by their work on Arma 3 over the past two years of development.
They took photographs and videos in public areas, as countless tourists arriving to enjoy the beauty and hospitality of Greece may well do. These included a short video as they drove through the main road passing around the international airport, where in one short part of the video off in the distance some hangars and other buildings of the complex can be seen. It's very likely that many tourists may have pictures similar to those taken by Ivan and Martin in their own family albums, without being aware that they put themselves or their families at risk.
We sincerely hope that the whole situation is no more than an unfortunate and deep misunderstanding. The in-game Limnos is close to completion, and it’s far from an identical replication of the real place. It was heavily modified to fit the game’s backstory, a purely fictional 2035 setting. It was rescaled to only 75% of the real island, and it does not attempt to display any real world military installations situated on the island of Lemnos.
To summarize the situation:
They visited Lemnos on their holiday as tourists.
They did not enter any military area.
They did not take any pictures of any military objects to be used in Arma 3.
Martin and Ivan, currently being detained in Mytilene, relayed this message to their friends and family:
"The conditions are tough, but the people we meet treat us fairly and correctly. It is all a completely absurd misunderstanding that will certainly be quickly explained. We mainly think of you, our families; you have to stay calm and not to worry about us. We hope we will meet soon."
We apologize for any possible delay or lack of communication regarding this important matter. At present, all and every possible effort goes towards supporting Ivan and Martin, their families, and to getting the guys safely back home. Any form of support for our imprisoned colleagues and friends will be more than welcome."
Arma III,
Bohemia Interactive,
Game Wardens,
Ivan Buchta,
Martin Pezlar,
military installation,
onsdag den 12. september 2012
Star Wars: TOR: Terror From Beyond
BioWare har ikke just haft held i sprøjten med hensyn til deres MMO: Star Wars: The Old Republic. Spillet har nemlig ikke klaret sig forfærdeligt godt rent kommercielt, og nu bliver det tilmed snart endnu en MMO, som må lide skæbnen af at gå Free2Play. Men man må ikke kimse af denne basis! Mange mennesker har en tendens til at tro det værste om de spil, som går F2P, og jeg er en af dem, men faktisk viser det sig at være en mere holdbar løsning. Det giver spillerne mulighed for gratis og lovligt, vel at mærke, at prøve spillene og selv vurdere, hvor mange penge de vil skyde i projektet ved at købe diverse opgraderinger. Faktisk kan denne form for betaling vise sig at generere en større indtægt end ved månedlige betalinger.
Men nok om det! BioWare forsøger nu at holde liv i sin MMO ved at udgive updates til spillet hver 6. uge, hvor spillerne kan finde nyt og spændende indhold til deres spil. Næste udvidelse går under navnet Terror From Beyond, og på papiret virker det ganske fint og som en holdbar udvidelse. Så hvis du stadig har en Jedi eller Sith Ridder gemt inde i dig, som blot venter på at vende tilbage til den gamle republik, så bør du muligvis tjekke Terror From Beyond ud! Se videoen for udvidelsen nedenfor, hvor designerne fortæller lidt om de ting, som man kan forvente!
English version:
BioWare hasn't exactly been lucky with their MMO: Star Wars: The Old Republic. The game hasn't been doing all that well in eyes of the public, and very soon it'll go Free2Play as many other MMO's has done before it. F2P isn't a bad basis, not at all, in fact! Many people have a tendency of thinking the worst about the games going F2P, and I am one of them, but it turns out that it's often a better solution regarding financing the game than monthly subscription. It gives the players the opportunity to try out the game and get relatively far in it before donating their hard earned cash to the game on various upgrades and add-ons. This can, at times, generate a higher income than monthly subscription.
But enough about that! BioWare is trying to keep its MMO afloat by releasing updates every 6 weeks or so, where the players can find new and interesting stuff to add to their gaming experience. The next add-on for the game is called Terror From Beyond, and on paper it looks quite decent. So if you still have a Jedi or maybe a Sith Knight roaming inside just waiting for a chance to return to the old republic, you might want to check out Terror From Beyond. You can watch the official video above where the designers are talking about some of the things that you can expect from the release.
Men nok om det! BioWare forsøger nu at holde liv i sin MMO ved at udgive updates til spillet hver 6. uge, hvor spillerne kan finde nyt og spændende indhold til deres spil. Næste udvidelse går under navnet Terror From Beyond, og på papiret virker det ganske fint og som en holdbar udvidelse. Så hvis du stadig har en Jedi eller Sith Ridder gemt inde i dig, som blot venter på at vende tilbage til den gamle republik, så bør du muligvis tjekke Terror From Beyond ud! Se videoen for udvidelsen nedenfor, hvor designerne fortæller lidt om de ting, som man kan forvente!
English version:
BioWare hasn't exactly been lucky with their MMO: Star Wars: The Old Republic. The game hasn't been doing all that well in eyes of the public, and very soon it'll go Free2Play as many other MMO's has done before it. F2P isn't a bad basis, not at all, in fact! Many people have a tendency of thinking the worst about the games going F2P, and I am one of them, but it turns out that it's often a better solution regarding financing the game than monthly subscription. It gives the players the opportunity to try out the game and get relatively far in it before donating their hard earned cash to the game on various upgrades and add-ons. This can, at times, generate a higher income than monthly subscription.
But enough about that! BioWare is trying to keep its MMO afloat by releasing updates every 6 weeks or so, where the players can find new and interesting stuff to add to their gaming experience. The next add-on for the game is called Terror From Beyond, and on paper it looks quite decent. So if you still have a Jedi or maybe a Sith Knight roaming inside just waiting for a chance to return to the old republic, you might want to check out Terror From Beyond. You can watch the official video above where the designers are talking about some of the things that you can expect from the release.
fredag den 7. september 2012
Hearthfire: Bør man købe?
Som I alle muligvis ved på dette tidspunkt, er det nu muligt at købe den seneste udvidelse til Bethesda Softwork's episke eventyr, men bør man anskaffe sig den? Det er det spørgsmål, som spilsiden har taklet, og jeg tænkte, at jeg også ville dele mine tanker omkring Hearthfire.
Jeg skal skynde mig at være ærlig og sige, at jeg faktisk ikke har udvidelsen selv, og før I afskriver mig som en uvidende tosse, så lad mig fortælle hvofor. Hearthfire virker, for mig i al fald, lidt ligesom Horse Armour udvidelsen til Oblivion: Det var en billig og trist udvidelse. Javist, det så da pænt ud, når man kom ridende igennem Cyrodiil som en anden konge, men var det i virkeligheden pengene værd? JA! På det tidspunkt var det helt klart. Jeg kunne ikke få nok af Oblivion, men efter en række år kan jeg nu også se, at man skal være mere selektiv vedrørende sine valg af DLC.
Hearthfire giver dig mulighed for at købe et hus i Skyrim, og skønt dette kunne være en underholdende tilføjelse og muligvis skænke nogle flere timer til et spil, som i forvejen kræver en investering på over 200 timer, kan jeg ikke se bort fra, at det virker lidt hult. Hvad får man egentlig ud af at købe sit eget hjem? Man kan jo ikke gå online og vise huset til sine venner, og man har kun begrænsede muligheder for at tilpasse og personliggøre huset. Jeg kommer næppe til at købe Hearthfire, idet jeg ikke fornemmer nogen konkret værdi i forhold til historien eller gameplay komme til udtryk. Bethesda Softworks har forhåbentligt noget bedre gemt oppe i ærmet i forhold til DLC, efterhånden som vi nærmer os Skyrim's etårsdag.
English version:
As you all know at this point it is indeed possible to purchase the latest add-on for Bethesda Softwork's epic adventure but should you get it? That is the question that the gaming site is wrestling with and I thought I'd share my thoughts regarding Hearthfire as well.
I must be honest and say that I haven't got Hearthfire, and before you go ahead and think of me as a ranting ignorant, at least let me explain. Hearthfire feels a bit like the Horse Armour DLC for Oblivion. It was a cheap and kind of a sad add-on, if you ask me. Sure it looked awesome riding through Cyrodiil on horseback but was it worth the money? YES! At least at the time. I couldn't get enough of Oblivion. But years later I have come to realize that one must be more selective regarding available DLC.
Hearthfire gives you the opportunity to create your own home and though this could be entertaining and maybe provide several more hours to a game that already demands 200+ hours to truly appreciate, I have to admit that Hearthfire feels shallow. What is it exactly about this house that makes it worth a purchase? You can't go online and invite your friends over for a party, and the customization options are limited. It is highly unlikely that I'll be getting Hearthfire because I can't see the actual value in terms of story or gameplay. Hopefully Bethesda Softworks will have something better in store for us as we're approaching the one year anniversary for Skyrim.
tirsdag den 4. september 2012
"We're frustrated by the lack of innovation."
Sådan skulle ordene lyde hos den ikoniske udvikler Valve for tiden, som søger nye talenter til at visualisere og realisere nye og interessante ideer. Valve, som mest er kendt for Steam og Half-Life, har længe været rygtet til at skulle være i gang med en ny spilplatform, og nu lader det altså til, at der er hold i de rygter.
Efter sigende skulle Valve have lavet et jobopslag på hjemmesiden, som ikke blot søger nye talenter men ligeledes giver udtryk for udviklerens frustration over den manglende innovation inden for spilindustrien, og at de nu vil gribe til værks. Den fulde besked skulle have lydt sådan:
"Valve is traditionally a software company. Open platforms like the PC and Mac are important to us, as they enable us and our partners to have a robust and direct relationship with customers. We're frustrated by the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space though, so we're jumping in. Even basic input, the keyboard and mouse, haven't really changed in any meaningful way over the years. There's a real void in the marketplace, and opportunities to create compelling user experiences are being overlooked. Successful candidates are also required to have "6+ years of professional experience shipping world-class, high-tech hardware products."
Går man til gengæld ind på hjemmesiden, hvor citatet skulle være hentet fra, kan man se, at de faktisk ikke siger noget om nogen frustrationer. Faktisk er det slet ikke, hvad Valve egentlig siger! Hvor de øvrige nyhedsider har deres citat fra vides ikke, men et er sikkert: Det er ikke umiddelbart Valves ord. Men er der hold i rygterne? Har Valve ændret deres jobopslag for at fuppe os? For at drille os? Det vides ikke, men mon ikke den kære Gabe Newell har et es eller to i ærmet, som han snart er rede til at afsløre en gang for alle? Indtil videre vil jeg vente på en officiel udmelding fra udvikleren og jeg vil især vente på et bedre bevis end dette.
English version:
Those are the supposed words stated in a job posting at Valve these days. The iconic developer is currently looking for new talents who can both visualize and realize new and interesting ideas, and for quite some time there has been rumors about Valve entering the console wars. It seems that with this job posting there could be some truth to those rumors.
According to the news sites Valve is believed to have made a job posting that states the developer's frustration by the lack of innovation in the gaming industry, and that they are ready to take action. Here you can read the full job posting:
"Valve is traditionally a software company. Open platforms like the PC and Mac are important to us, as they enable us and our partners to have a robust and direct relationship with customers. We're frustrated by the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space though, so we're jumping in. Even basic input, the keyboard and mouse, haven't really changed in any meaningful way over the years. There's a real void in the marketplace, and opportunities to create compelling user experiences are being overlooked. Successful candidates are also required to have "6+ years of professional experience shipping world-class, high-tech hardware products."
However if you go to Valve's website, where the quote is stated to have come from, you'll notice that Valve isn't exactly talking about any frustrations. In fact these aren't even their words at all! Where the other news sites have this quote from is currently unknown to me but one thing is for sure: Valve didn't write this. Or perhaps they did? Did they edit the job posting? Are there any truth to the rumors? Is Valve entering the console race? I don't know for sure but I do believe that Gabe Newell has a thing or two up his sleeve that he'll be revealing once and for all. When the time is right, that is. For now I'll wait for the official announcement or at least for a more substantial proof than this.
Efter sigende skulle Valve have lavet et jobopslag på hjemmesiden, som ikke blot søger nye talenter men ligeledes giver udtryk for udviklerens frustration over den manglende innovation inden for spilindustrien, og at de nu vil gribe til værks. Den fulde besked skulle have lydt sådan:
"Valve is traditionally a software company. Open platforms like the PC and Mac are important to us, as they enable us and our partners to have a robust and direct relationship with customers. We're frustrated by the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space though, so we're jumping in. Even basic input, the keyboard and mouse, haven't really changed in any meaningful way over the years. There's a real void in the marketplace, and opportunities to create compelling user experiences are being overlooked. Successful candidates are also required to have "6+ years of professional experience shipping world-class, high-tech hardware products."
Går man til gengæld ind på hjemmesiden, hvor citatet skulle være hentet fra, kan man se, at de faktisk ikke siger noget om nogen frustrationer. Faktisk er det slet ikke, hvad Valve egentlig siger! Hvor de øvrige nyhedsider har deres citat fra vides ikke, men et er sikkert: Det er ikke umiddelbart Valves ord. Men er der hold i rygterne? Har Valve ændret deres jobopslag for at fuppe os? For at drille os? Det vides ikke, men mon ikke den kære Gabe Newell har et es eller to i ærmet, som han snart er rede til at afsløre en gang for alle? Indtil videre vil jeg vente på en officiel udmelding fra udvikleren og jeg vil især vente på et bedre bevis end dette.
English version:
Those are the supposed words stated in a job posting at Valve these days. The iconic developer is currently looking for new talents who can both visualize and realize new and interesting ideas, and for quite some time there has been rumors about Valve entering the console wars. It seems that with this job posting there could be some truth to those rumors.
According to the news sites Valve is believed to have made a job posting that states the developer's frustration by the lack of innovation in the gaming industry, and that they are ready to take action. Here you can read the full job posting:
"Valve is traditionally a software company. Open platforms like the PC and Mac are important to us, as they enable us and our partners to have a robust and direct relationship with customers. We're frustrated by the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space though, so we're jumping in. Even basic input, the keyboard and mouse, haven't really changed in any meaningful way over the years. There's a real void in the marketplace, and opportunities to create compelling user experiences are being overlooked. Successful candidates are also required to have "6+ years of professional experience shipping world-class, high-tech hardware products."
However if you go to Valve's website, where the quote is stated to have come from, you'll notice that Valve isn't exactly talking about any frustrations. In fact these aren't even their words at all! Where the other news sites have this quote from is currently unknown to me but one thing is for sure: Valve didn't write this. Or perhaps they did? Did they edit the job posting? Are there any truth to the rumors? Is Valve entering the console race? I don't know for sure but I do believe that Gabe Newell has a thing or two up his sleeve that he'll be revealing once and for all. When the time is right, that is. For now I'll wait for the official announcement or at least for a more substantial proof than this.
mandag den 3. september 2012
Tilbage igen!
Om ikke det er tidlig eftermiddag i det ganske land, og her på Game Wardens er tiden gået hastigt. Men med hvad? Opgaver, arbejde og en velfortjent sommerferie har præget den sidste måned, men dovenskab kan også blive for meget. Det er tids til at skifte til et højere gear!
Der er sket meget inden for den skønne verden af gaming, og personligt har jeg selv gennemgået en mindre forvandling. Hey hey hey, vent lidt! Det er sandt! Hvad kan det være for en forvandling? Har jeg mistet lysten til at være gamer? Har jeg opdaget en verden udenfor? Nah. Jeg er såmænd begyndt at spille mere på min PC end nogensinde før, og jeg har ikke blot dyppet tæerne i dette ocean af nye og interessante spil: Jeg er gået all-in.
Jeg har faktisk prøvet at spille en MMORPG, en RPG, en RTS, en FPS og ikke mindst LoL. Jamen dog, jamen dog! På blot en måned? Det er korrekt! Min august blev brugt på tømmermænd og morskab, men der blev i høj grad også gamet. Jeg fik prøvet Starcraft 2, som jeg desværre ikke blev helt fan af. Ser du, jeg er ikke den store comptetitive gamer. Jeg spiller nemlig for oplevelsens skyld. Jeg elsker at mestre et spil, og jeg elsker at dykke ned i dets mekanikker og blive bedre til dets mange sider, men et spil må ikke kun handle om gameplay. Om strategier. Om taktikker. Det må især ikke handle om, at det "blot" handler om at vinde. Starcraft 2 er et suverænt spil, men dets fokus på konkurrence gør desværre, at det sætter mig af. Jeg kan ikke beholde interessen for et spil, hvor jeg føler, at jeg gør det samme. Det bliver slutteligt substansløst og repetitivt. Magien ved at spille forsvinder, når spillestilen nærmest bliver formularisk. Så lad mig sige det med andre ord: Starcraft 2 er et glimrende spil - et fantastisk spil - hvis man da sætter pris på konkurrenceelementerne i det. Hvis ikke bør man næppe begå samme fejl som jeg ved at købe det. Jeg sætter stor pris på RTS, men Starcraft 2 er lige en tand for competitive.
Af andre spil er jeg begyndt at spille Lord of the Rings: Online, Blacklight: Retribution og League of Legends. Jeg er ret begejstret for både Blacklight og League of Legends, men det er ligesom ved Starcraft 2. Jeg spiller ikke kun for at vinde, så jeg nyder dem i små bidder og gerne med dages afstand for at bevare en vis form for magi, når jeg spiller med vennerne. Men hvor jeg gik galt med Starcraft 2 ved at overdyrke det, sørger jeg nu for, at jeg ikke spiller de andre spil for meget. Det handler om at bevare magien! Jeg kan også godt lide, at spil som League of Legends fokuserer på enkelte karakterer, hvor man kan levele dem op og købe læssevis af udstyr til dem, som har en vis påvirkning på karakteren. Det er muligvis dette element, som gør dem mere interessante at spille, idet hvert spil ikke umiddelbart føles ens. Måske? I sidste ende sørger jeg i al fald for, at jeg ikke spiller dem alt for meget! Lord of the Rings: Online? Lad os bare sige, at det er en god ting, at det spil er gået Free2Play. Det er ok for en kort stund, indtil man opdager, at man ikke længere læser ens quests. Hverken store eller små. Det er ikke en god ting.
Med dette indlæg håber jeg nu at komme til at uploade langt flere i den nærmest fremtid, og jeg ved, at I har lyst til at rive mig en ny bagdel for ikke at være fan af Starcraft 2, men jeg håber stadig på at se jer igen! Fred være med jer, gaming godtfolk!
English version
If it isn't a beautiful day in this country of mine! The time goes by ever more quickly, but what has actually happened? Exams, work and of course vacation has all been vital parts in shaping the last month or two. But I believe it's now time to take it up a notch.
A lot of things has happened in the wonderful world of gaming but I have also had my own personal evolution. What kind of evolution, you ask? Did I lose the will to be a gamer? Did I discover a world outside? Nah. I simply discovered the world of PC gaming. And I didn't just dip my toes in this ocean. I kind of went all in!
In the last month I managed to try out a MMORPG, RPG, RTS, FPS and LoL. My, my, my! My August was spent with hangovers, fun and of course video games. A lot of gaming, actually! I tried out Starcraft 2, but I must admit that I'm not a huge fan. Why? Is it a bad game? Not all! In fact, it's a great game! But not for me. You see, I like to play video games for the experience. For the magic of the story, characters and mythos. I don't want to play a game where I'm only thinking about winning. Thinking about strategies and tactics in order to win. That's not how I roll! I'm simply not a competitive gamer. My joy of winning fades as the magic of gaming is disappearing. Gaming, for me, must never be solely about winning. It simply must not reach that point, but that is exactly what happened with Starcraft 2. It became monotonous. Even formulaic. Playing the same game and not feeling the rush of combat. Doing the same thing over and over. Not caring after a while. Of course the game offers some variety but not enough for me to maintain the magic. But I really must say that if you are a competitive gamer, then you won't find a better game out there to prove your skills, but if you're like me then don't make the mistake like I did. Starcraft 2 isn't for us.
Besides Starcraft 2 I have also checked out Lord of the Rings: Online, Blacklight: Retribution and League of Legends. And I'm actually enjoying playing both Blacklight and League of Legends! Why am I enjoying those games and not Starcraft 2? The answer is quite simple, really: I don't play them very often, and when I do I make sure to quit before it gets monotonous. Also, I like the character progression better in those games than all the base building in Starcraft 2. I think that this focus on a single unit actually makes them more fun but I can't be sure! So for now I simply make sure not to play them too much. What do I think about Lord of the Rings: Online? Oh, how kind of you to ask! Well, to put it rather simple: it's a good thing that this game went free2play. It's fun for a spell but grows old when you find yourself caring less and less about the quest details and story missions. And that's not a good thing!
I hope to be writing even more now that it seems I have returned, and I know that you want to rip me a new behind for not being fan of Starcraft 2, but I do hope to see you again! Peace out, good folks of gaming!
Der er sket meget inden for den skønne verden af gaming, og personligt har jeg selv gennemgået en mindre forvandling. Hey hey hey, vent lidt! Det er sandt! Hvad kan det være for en forvandling? Har jeg mistet lysten til at være gamer? Har jeg opdaget en verden udenfor? Nah. Jeg er såmænd begyndt at spille mere på min PC end nogensinde før, og jeg har ikke blot dyppet tæerne i dette ocean af nye og interessante spil: Jeg er gået all-in.
Jeg har faktisk prøvet at spille en MMORPG, en RPG, en RTS, en FPS og ikke mindst LoL. Jamen dog, jamen dog! På blot en måned? Det er korrekt! Min august blev brugt på tømmermænd og morskab, men der blev i høj grad også gamet. Jeg fik prøvet Starcraft 2, som jeg desværre ikke blev helt fan af. Ser du, jeg er ikke den store comptetitive gamer. Jeg spiller nemlig for oplevelsens skyld. Jeg elsker at mestre et spil, og jeg elsker at dykke ned i dets mekanikker og blive bedre til dets mange sider, men et spil må ikke kun handle om gameplay. Om strategier. Om taktikker. Det må især ikke handle om, at det "blot" handler om at vinde. Starcraft 2 er et suverænt spil, men dets fokus på konkurrence gør desværre, at det sætter mig af. Jeg kan ikke beholde interessen for et spil, hvor jeg føler, at jeg gør det samme. Det bliver slutteligt substansløst og repetitivt. Magien ved at spille forsvinder, når spillestilen nærmest bliver formularisk. Så lad mig sige det med andre ord: Starcraft 2 er et glimrende spil - et fantastisk spil - hvis man da sætter pris på konkurrenceelementerne i det. Hvis ikke bør man næppe begå samme fejl som jeg ved at købe det. Jeg sætter stor pris på RTS, men Starcraft 2 er lige en tand for competitive.
Af andre spil er jeg begyndt at spille Lord of the Rings: Online, Blacklight: Retribution og League of Legends. Jeg er ret begejstret for både Blacklight og League of Legends, men det er ligesom ved Starcraft 2. Jeg spiller ikke kun for at vinde, så jeg nyder dem i små bidder og gerne med dages afstand for at bevare en vis form for magi, når jeg spiller med vennerne. Men hvor jeg gik galt med Starcraft 2 ved at overdyrke det, sørger jeg nu for, at jeg ikke spiller de andre spil for meget. Det handler om at bevare magien! Jeg kan også godt lide, at spil som League of Legends fokuserer på enkelte karakterer, hvor man kan levele dem op og købe læssevis af udstyr til dem, som har en vis påvirkning på karakteren. Det er muligvis dette element, som gør dem mere interessante at spille, idet hvert spil ikke umiddelbart føles ens. Måske? I sidste ende sørger jeg i al fald for, at jeg ikke spiller dem alt for meget! Lord of the Rings: Online? Lad os bare sige, at det er en god ting, at det spil er gået Free2Play. Det er ok for en kort stund, indtil man opdager, at man ikke længere læser ens quests. Hverken store eller små. Det er ikke en god ting.
English version
If it isn't a beautiful day in this country of mine! The time goes by ever more quickly, but what has actually happened? Exams, work and of course vacation has all been vital parts in shaping the last month or two. But I believe it's now time to take it up a notch.
A lot of things has happened in the wonderful world of gaming but I have also had my own personal evolution. What kind of evolution, you ask? Did I lose the will to be a gamer? Did I discover a world outside? Nah. I simply discovered the world of PC gaming. And I didn't just dip my toes in this ocean. I kind of went all in!
In the last month I managed to try out a MMORPG, RPG, RTS, FPS and LoL. My, my, my! My August was spent with hangovers, fun and of course video games. A lot of gaming, actually! I tried out Starcraft 2, but I must admit that I'm not a huge fan. Why? Is it a bad game? Not all! In fact, it's a great game! But not for me. You see, I like to play video games for the experience. For the magic of the story, characters and mythos. I don't want to play a game where I'm only thinking about winning. Thinking about strategies and tactics in order to win. That's not how I roll! I'm simply not a competitive gamer. My joy of winning fades as the magic of gaming is disappearing. Gaming, for me, must never be solely about winning. It simply must not reach that point, but that is exactly what happened with Starcraft 2. It became monotonous. Even formulaic. Playing the same game and not feeling the rush of combat. Doing the same thing over and over. Not caring after a while. Of course the game offers some variety but not enough for me to maintain the magic. But I really must say that if you are a competitive gamer, then you won't find a better game out there to prove your skills, but if you're like me then don't make the mistake like I did. Starcraft 2 isn't for us.
I hope to be writing even more now that it seems I have returned, and I know that you want to rip me a new behind for not being fan of Starcraft 2, but I do hope to see you again! Peace out, good folks of gaming!
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