tirsdag den 20. november 2012

Mass Effect 4, 'sequel' eller 'prequel'?

BioWare lader kanonerne op til endnu en omgang Mass Effect, og hvorfor skulle de ikke gøre det? Det er en ganske succesfuld spilserie, og jeg vil glæde mig til at spille endnu flere spil baseret på det univers. Men fidusen er, at hovedpersonen, John/Jane Shepard, jo er skrevet ud af universet. Så spørgsmålet for BioWare er nu, hvordan man laver en ny spilserie i en allerede etableret spilserie.

Derfor har Mass Effect-skaberen, Casey Hudson, stillet et rimeligt åbent spørgsmål inde på sin Twitterprofil: "Parsing through your thoughts on the next #ME game. Would you be more interested in a game that takes place before the trilogy, or after?" Skal det være en forgænger eller en efterfølger? Det vil tiden vise, og informationerne er sparsommelige, men BioWare har dog offentliggjort nogle oplysninger om det nye spil, bl.a. at det vil køre på DICE' nye Frostbite engine, og at det ikke vil blive udviklet af det sædvanlige Mass Effect-hold. Denne gang vil spillet blive udviklet af BioWare Montreal og ikke BioWare Edmonton, og det vides endnu ikke, hvad det egentlig betyder. Har BioWare gang i noget andet? Er det pga. Dragon Age 3? Dit gæt er lige så fint som mit, men det bliver i al fald interessant at følge med i!

English version:

BioWare is loading the canons and preparing for another wave of Mass Effect, and why shouldn't they? The series is rather successful and I would definitely look forward to be playing more games based on the Universe. But the thing is that the main character, John/Jane Shepard, is no longer part of the Universe. So the question is: how does BioWare create a new series within an already established series?

To answer that question the creater of Mass Effect, Casey Hudson, asked his many followers on Twitter the following question: "Parsing through your thoughts on the next #ME game. Would you be more interested in a game that takes place before the trilogy, or after?" Should it be a prequel or a sequel? Time will tell and though the information regarding the game is limited due to its early development state, BioWare did tell us that they have moved away from the Unreal Engine and are now using DICE' Frostbite engine, and that the development of the game has moved to another studio. It is now BioWare Montreal and not BioWare Edmonton who'll be doing the Mass Effect franchise from this point on. It is unclear what this means, however, and some wonder if it's because of Dragon Age 3. But all I know is that it's going to be very interesting to see what BioWare has in store for us!

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