tirsdag den 22. maj 2012

Bungies nye projekt: Destiny

Bungie, den tidligere udvikler bag en Microsofts største franchises, Halo, er nu i gang med et nyt projekt under kodenavnet, Destiny. I 2010 underskrev Bungie en kontrakt med Activision om at lave fire science fiction-shootere, som de håber kan blive en ny franchise, nu da Halo er gået over til 343 Industries. Efter planen bliver det første spil udgivet næste år, og i stil med andre serier så kommer vi til at se en ny titel hvert andet år fremover. DLC-pakker, navngivet Comet, bliver tilgængelige hvert andet år fra efteråret 2014.

Det første spil i serien vil først blive udgivet på Xbox360, og de resterende tre vil så også blive udgivet på de andre platforme (PS3, PC). Inde på Bungies hjemmeside kan man i dag finde budskabet, "So, yeah. While we’re not ready to show you what we’ve been working on, we can reconfirm that we are hard at work on our new universe. We can’t wait for you to see it. See you starside in 2013" Det bliver ekstremt interessant at se, hvad Destiny egentligt er, men det kan tyde på, at det bliver stort!

English version:

Bungie, the former developer behind one of Microsofts biggest franchises, Halo, has now set their focus on a new project: Destiny. Back in 2010 Bungie signed a contract with Activision stating that they'd make four Sci-Fi shootere which both parties hope will be a new franchise. Especially now that Halo is being developed by 343 Industries. According to the plan the first game will be released as early as next year with future installments coming every other year. DLC packs are also planned to be released in the fall of 2014 and then every other year as well.

The first game will first be released on the Xbox360 and the other three will then also see release on the other platforms (PS3, PC). The following statement can be found at Bungie's website today, "So, yeah. While we’re not ready to show you what we’ve been working on, we can reconfirm that we are hard at work on our new universe. We can’t wait for you to see it. See you starside in 2013" What Destiny really is will be very interesting to see, but so far it looks like it'll be huge!

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