onsdag den 9. maj 2012

Bioshock Infinite udsat til 2013

Så skete det! Irrational Games har netop brugt fy-ordet, 'delayed', om et af de spil, som jeg personligt har ventet længe på: Bioshock Infinite! Denne nyhed bliver mødt med tårer og hjertebrud, men jeg stoler på, at Ken Levine har sine gode årsager til at gøre dette imod os!

Om dette siger han, at "When we announced the release date of BioShock Infinite in March, we felt pretty good about the timing. Since then, we’ve uncovered opportunities to make Infinite into something even more extraordinary. Therefore, to give our talented team the time they need to deliver the best Infinite possible, we’ve decided to move the game’s release to February." Vi må være tålmodige lidt endnu, men vi kan tilgengæld glæde os over, at vores forår 2013 bliver akkompagneret af en uforglemmelig oplevelse. Bioshock Infinite, du er i mine tanker.

English version:

It has happened! The unthinkable! Irrational Games has just used the dirty word, 'delayed', about one of the games that I cannot wait for: Bioshock Infinite! News of this sort is met with tears and heartbreak but I trust that Ken Levine has his reasons to do this!

About the delay he says: "When we announced the release date of BioShock Infinite in March, we felt pretty good about the timing. Since then, we’ve uncovered opportunities to make Infinite into something even more extraordinary. Therefore, to give our talented team the time they need to deliver the best Infinite possible, we’ve decided to move the game’s release to February." We have to be a little bit more patient but we can look forward to a spring that will hold an absolutely unforgettable experience! Bioshock Infinte, you will remain in my thoughts.

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