torsdag den 24. maj 2012

Filmen: Shadow of the Colossus

Mange husker Team Icos spil, Shadow of the Colossus, som et af de mest mindeværdige spil på Playstation 2. Spillet giver spilleren mulighed for at tage styringen som den unge mand, Wander, der skal nedkæmpe 16 giganter for at kunne genoplive en pige ved navn Mono. Spillet var anderledes i forhold til andre eventyrspil i dets struktur, som er med til at forklare spillets stadige popularitet, og da spillet udkom i HD for ikke længe siden på Playstation 3, blev det mødt med åbne arme.

Nu lader det til, at vi inden længe får en film baseret på det populære spil. Josh Trank, kendt for Chronicle, har trådt frem og påtaget sig rollen som filmens instruktør. På dette tidspunkt kendes intet til filmens mulige forløb, skuespillere eller andet end, at Josh Trank søger en scriptwriter, og at det vil blive produceret af Sony Pictures. Kan Shadow of the Colossus konverteres til det store lærred? Det vil tiden vise!

English version:

Team Ico's game from 2005, Shadow of the Colossus, is one of the most memorable games found on the Playstation 2. The game lets players take on the role as the young man, Wander, who has to defeat 16 giants in order to revive a girl called Mono. Shadow of the Colossus was different from other adventure games in its structure, which is part of the reason behind the game's continuing popularity, and it was met with open arms when it was re-released on the Playstation 3 in HD.

Now it seems we'll be getting a movie based on the game. Josh Trank, known for Chronicle, has stepped up and taken the part as the movie's director. Nothing about the movie is known at this time besides that Josh Trank is the director, he's looking for a scriptwriter and that it will be produced by Sony Pictures. Can a game like Shadow of the Colossus be converted to the big screen? Time will tell!

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