søndag den 20. maj 2012

Tekken: Rise of the Tournament

De fleste af os har forhåbentligt glemt at have set filmen, Tekken, fra 2010, instrueret af Dwight H. Little, som blandt andet er kendt for Free Willy 2 og Anacondas. Filmen er rædselsvækkende og har lidt til ingen respekt for kildematerialet. Tekken er ikke en serie, der vil være nem at konvertere til det store lærred, og det fandt de skam hastigt ud af, da filmen blev modtaget af folk og fans med hævede øjenbryn og åbne munde i chok over denne behandling af Tekken.

Nuvel, det skal siges, at Tekken ikke ligefrem er kendt for at have de mest inspirerede historier, jamen, oftest er de jo helt til grin. Det er en del af charmen. Vi spiller ikke Tekken for at få en Emmy-nomineret historie: Vi spiller for at banke vores modstandere i et orgie af mayhem! Men, men, men. Nu lyder det sig, at man vil prøve med endnu en film baseret på Tekken. Produktionsselskabet, Crystal Sky, har nu tænkt sig at lave en hel serie af Tekken-film, hvor den første skal fungere som en prequel til 2010-filmen. Den kommer såmænd til at hedde Tekken: Rise of the Tournament, og jeg har på fornemmelsen, at den vil blive modtaget på samme måde som den fra 2010, men tiden vil vise, hvad de har fundet på. Jeg håber blot, at de har mere respekt for universet end den første film!

English version:

Hopefully none can remember watching the movie, Tekken, released in 2010, which was directed by Dwight H. Little, who is also known for Free Willy 2 and Anacondas. The movie was a horror show and had little to no respect for the source material. Tekken is certainly not a franchise easily converted to the big screen, which they found out the hard way when the movie was received with eyebrows raised and mouths opened by the many fans who found themselves amazed by this treatment of their favourite fighting game.

But it must be said that Tekken isn't known for its inspired storytelling. Well, the stories in Tekken are usually ridiculous! It's part of the charm, however, and we don't play Tekken for its Emmy nominated storyline: we play it to beat the living "#¤! out of our opponents in an orgy of destruction! But now it seems that someone will give another Tekken movie a go. The production company, Crystal Sky, has said that they plan on making a new movie based on the franchise and that it will be a prequel to the first movie. It will be called Tekken: Rise of the Tournament, but I suspect it will be received in the same way as the other, but time will tell what they have in mind with the movie. It might be good! I just hope that they have more respect for the material than the first one!

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