onsdag den 23. maj 2012

Xbox360 bør bandlyses i USA

"Courthouse News reports that Judge David Shaw said the International Trade Commission should use a cease and desist order to ban imports of the Xbox 360 Slim 4GB and 250GB models into the US because, in his view, they infringe on four patents owned by Motorola." Sådan lyder det i en artikel i dag på eurogamer.net, nu da der er sket en udvikling i sagen mellem Microsoft og Motorola. Sagen, i sin kerne, handler om, at Motorola har sagsøgt Microsoft for at bryde patentrettigheder i forhold til at kunne decode video på Xbox360, og i kølvandet af dette har en dommer i Tyskland allerede beordret Xbox360 væk fra de tyske hylder. Nu lader det til at være amerikanernes tur til at miste Xbox360.

Microsoft forsøger naturligvis at afvise kravet, men dommeren virker fast i sin beslutning. Til sidst kan det blive præsident Barack Obamas beslutning. Bliver Xbox360 smidt ud af USA? Hele sagen har efterhånden taget en uvirkelig drejning, men det bliver interessant at se.

English version:

"Courthouse News reports that Judge David Shaw said the International Trade Commission should use a cease and desist order to ban imports of the Xbox 360 Slim 4GB and 250GB models into the US because, in his view, they infringe on four patents owned by Motorola." This is the message found in an article today on eurogamer.net now that there has been some development in the case between Motorola and Microsoft. The case, at its core, is Motorola filing a lawsuit against Microsoft for breaking certain patent rights in the software the Xbox360 uses to decode video. In the aftermath of this lawsuit a german Court has already ordered the Xbox360 banned from the German store shelves, which Microsoft immediately appealed, but it would seem that the Americans are about to lose the popular console as well.

Microsoft are of course trying their best to stay in the American market but the judge seems determined in his decision. In the end the final decision may very well lie with President Barack Obama. Will the Xbox360 get thrown out of USA? This entire case has really taken an unreal turn but it will be interesting to see.

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