tirsdag den 15. maj 2012

Diablo 3 på 12 timer

Diablo 3 er næsten kun lige blevet udgivet, og allerede er der folk derude i stuerne, som har gennemført spillet på rekordtid. Spilleren, Yoshichan, spillede Diablo 3 færdigt på blot 12 timer og 29 minutter og skyndte sig at poste resultatet inde på neogaf.com, hvor man kan finde nedenstående to screenshots af bedriften.

Det skal dog nævnes, at Yoshichan spillede på Normal, der er spillets mest lette sværhedsgrad, og nogle vil i den forbindelse argumentere for, at man i så fald endnu mangler en del af spillet for at få den fulde oplevelse. Det er såmænd også planen, at spillet skal klares på de hårdere sværhedsgrader: "Wish me all good luck in nightmare! Going for it asap." lyder beskeden ambitiøst på neogaf! Vi, på Game Wardens, ønsker Yoshichan alt held og lykke med sin udfordring!

English version:

Diablo 3 was just released and already there are a lot of gamers out there who has completed the game in record time. The gamer, Yoshichan, completed Diablo 3 in just 12 hours and 29 minutes and rushed to post the proof on neogaf.com, where you can find the two screenshots shown of the achievement.

It must be mentioned that Yoshichan played on Normal which acts as the easiest difficulty in the game, but some would say that playing on Normal alone isn't actually all the game has to offer. This is not a problem, however, because the idea is to conquer the remaining difficulties as well: "Wish me all good luck in nightmare! Going for it asap.", Yoshichan says with great ambition! We, here at Game Wardens, wish him all the best of luck in the world!

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