fredag den 18. maj 2012

Diablo 3's Secret Cow Level

Så er Diablo 3's hemmelige bane blevet fundet, og den hedder såmænd Whimsyshire. Det er en udviklet udgave af den ikoniske Secret Cow Level fundet i Diablo 2, men for at lave skæg med klagerne om, at Diablo 3 skulle være for farverigt, er Whimsyshire blevet et farverigt sted med masser af kære dyr. Rede til at slagte dig! Er du klar til jagten?!

Selvfølgelig er man da det! Men hvordan finder man det? Eurogamer beskriver her hvordan, man kan finde Whimsyshire, og hvad man skal være opmærksom på: "You can access Whimsyshire during Act One by gathering five ingredients and the Staff of Herding plan. But be warned, the cutesy creatures are of Act Four difficulty, and low level characters will apparently be demolished on even Normal difficulty. " Du kan se videoen af Whimsyshire nedenfor, og jeg advarer: Det er ret komisk!

English version:

And so it has been discovered: the Secret Cow Level in Diablo 3! It's called Whimsyshire and it's an evolved version of the cow level found in Diablo 2. It makes a little fun with all the complaining about Diablo 3 being too colourful: Whimsyshire is indeed a colourful place filled with sweet animals - ready, able and willing to kill you! Are you ready for the hunt?!

Of course you are! But how does one find this place? Eurogamer is ready to lend you a hand and give you a little bit of warning: "You can access Whimsyshire during Act One by gathering five ingredients and the Staff of Herding plan. But be warned, the cutesy creatures are of Act Four difficulty, and low level characters will apparently be demolished on even Normal difficulty. " You can check out the video of Whimsyshire above and I warn you: it's rather fun!

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