mandag den 23. april 2012

Call of Duty

Som nogle af jer muligvis har opdaget, så er Activision snart rede til at afsløre deres nye spil i den succesfulde Call of Duty-franchise. Denne gang går det løs ved dette års NBA Playoffs, som bliver vist på TNT d. 1. maj.

Det nye spil bliver, efter alt at dømme, en efterfølger til Black Ops fra 2010, og man kan tjekke hjemmesiden for flere informationer om den kommende titel. Nedtællingen er begyndt. Er du klar til at høre the Call of Duty?

English version:

As some of you may have noticed Activision is once again ready and willing to announce their new game in the highy successful franchise known as Call of Duty. This time the reveal will happen at this year's NBA Playoffs on May 1st which will be aired on TNT.

The game will most likely be a sequel to 2010's Call of Duty: Black Ops and you can check the website for more information and news regarding this title. The countdown has begun. Are you prepared to once again heed the Call of Duty?

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