Spillet ser hektisk og intenst ud men vigtigst af alt: Det ser underholdende ud! I stil med Nintendos enormt succesfulde, Super Smash Bros., kan man spille op til flere spillere af gangen, og dette kunne sagtens gå hen og blive en mindre succes for Sony. Se hvad du har i vente af spillet i GameTrailers.com's video nedenfor:
English version:
If Nintendo can, Sony can too. That seems to be the premise these days. First it was Move, which is a variant of Nintendo's Remote and Nunchuck, and now it's Super Smash Bros. that's on the line. Sony has just announced Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal, which certainly looks like another Super Smash Bros. clone but it does look like a lot of fun taking on the role as one of Sony's trademark characters, like Kratos and Parappa, and beating the eff out of your mates.
The game looks extreme and intense but most importantly: It looks entertaining! Just like Super Smash Bros. you're able to play with up to several buddies and battle it out at a the same time, and this could very well become quite the success. Check out GameTrailers.com's video above to see what you have in store!
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