Prey 2 lever! Sådan lød begejstringen i mit indlæg forleden, da det omsider kunne bekræftes, at det længe-ventede spil, Prey 2, stadig er under udvikling. I noget tid havde der hersket fæle rygter hist og pist om spillets mulige aflysning, men Bethesda Softworks kom hastigt ud med en beroligende meddelelse om, at disse rygter altså ikke helt stemmer. Men hvad er nu dette?
Nu lyder det atter, at spillets fremtid er usikker. Human Head, som er spillets udvikler, lader til at være røget i uoverensstemmelser med ZeniMax (ejer af Bethesda Softworks). På grund af disse uenigheder er det ikke sikkert, at spillets sidste stadier vil blive udviklet af Human Head. Eller muligvis endda udgivet. En kilde på Shacknews udtalte sig, at spillet har stået stille siden november sidste år, og at flere ansatte fra Human Head er blevet afskediget grundet disse uenigheder dog med løfte om, at de ville blive hyret igen, når begge parter når til enighed.
Hvad betyder dette for spillet? Det betyder skam, at det muligvis ikke vil blive udgivet. Det bedste vi kan håbe på er, at Human Head og ZeniMax hastigt begraver stridsøksen og husker på dem, som betaler regningen i sidste ende: Os. Spillets fans.
English version:
Prey 2 lives! That was the sound of my joy when I recently wrote that Prey 2 is indeed still in development. For some time nasty rumors about the game's cancellation had been filling the waves of the Web, and many of us were deeply concerned. This is a game that we are actually looking forward to! Bethesda Softworks acted relatively quickly and issued a statement saying that the game wasn't cancelled but rather delayed due to quality issues. However...
Quality issues may not be the only issue in this matter. It seems that developer Human Head and ZeniMax (who owns Bethesda Softworks) has had a disagreement regarding the contract and as a result of this the game's development hasn't been moving since November last year. A source at Shacknews could verify this. The potential fallout of this could either be the confirmed (and much feared) cancellation of Prey 2 or the development moving to a new studio.
The only thing we can hope for is that both Human Head and ZeniMax will reach some kind of agreement and return to developing the much anticipated game. Maybe they will remember who is actually paying the bills in the end: us. The fans.
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